Sunday, August 12, 2007

Eli-isms, Scout update, and more....

One of the funnest things of Eli at age 2 is the funny things that he says....
When we were at church during VBS week, he kept on talking about 'riding the alligator'. I had no idea what he was talking about. When we were out on the playground, I looked around for an alligator toy, but there wasn't one. I thought maybe he was playing with some sort of alligator toy in his classroom, but I didn't know. He talked about it every single day, though. On the last day of VBS, we were on the 2nd floor getting ready to go downstairs and get Duncan. He ran up to the elevator and said, "Mommy! Ride the alligator!" Finally, I figured out what he had been trying to tell me all week, that he had been riding the elevator!
Whenever we're practicing baseball, he likes to play with Duncan's 'glub' (glove).
Whenever he wants a soda, he asks for a "Coca". He also likes to drink gator-leg.
When we were going to the fair, he wanted to eat an 'ice-cream whip' (pineapple whip).
Of course, cup cakes are 'pup-cakes'.
Well, Scout has been up to more antics. We took her to the beauty shop where she got a bath and her nails done. While we were there, I bought her 2 new toys, too. Spoiled! Anyway, I'm sorry to say, Julie and Charlie, that she chewed up the pretty new red leash you bought her. That's OK, she can use Charlie's (our old dog's) old one. And you'll be glad to know she caught her first rabbit....of course it was when Joe and the boys were gone so I had to clean up the carcass. Gross! And for a dog who doesn't bark alot, she sure barks alot! I think she's really come out of her shell since she's moved to the Ozarks....she is something else.
And more...
Duncan, Eli and I went to the Nixa pool last week. We were the for about 20 minutes when Duncan remarked, in a slightly bored tone, "There's not much to do here besides swim!".
Um, OK. When does school start?
Here are a couple of good Dilberts, in case you didn't read them in the paper...
I love the mentality of the crowd in the last square.
But part of me is afraid that people really are that dumb.
Also I love that Dilbert is wearing tall pants.


Casey Smallwood said...

i want a gater-leg...and maybe een a little eli!

Casey Smallwood said...

een = even

just call me eli jr..

Unknown said...

and to think we thought duncan was something else at 2.... as paw-paw ays "that boy is a trip"

Judy said...

He must take after his Aunt Jennifer, when she was that age she said a lot of cute and funny things like that, Lemon Merangue pie was Lemon Lorraine pie, and polka dots on her dress were pimples, and if someone kidded her about maybe being a boy, she would say "I not a boy I a grill". THe alligator ride is hillarious. Jim's right, that boy is a trip.

New to Austin said...

I love and miss that little Eli-Salad and Duncs Mcgee. That's exactly why this blog is so great... I can keep up on them.