After I encouraged Susan to start a blog to document her move to Atlanta, and to also create a way to keep up with her life once she's there, I decided it was something I wanted to try myself. After I had Duncan, I did a pretty good job as far as keeping his baby book updated and getting his photos into albums. But after the addition of Eli, I am left with piles of unorganized pictures and papers, and lots of emptiness in the baby books. I realize that I need to do a better job of documenting their growing up--the funny stories, the milestones, and the little moments that I want to remember after they are all grown up. I still have intentions of organizing those photos and starting some scrapbooking projects, etc. But in the meantime, I thought that this might be a way to keep track of those little everyday moments. At least it's worth a try.
you rock, bunny. I can't wait to see more...
I'll keep up with mine, if you keep up with yours!
oh yeah, why does Joe always look so "stunned" in his photos?????????
I think it's a great idea and i can't wait to see me too
I think I made a mistake on that, I mean to say "see more", ha
Now this is one adorable family! What a great picture!! I can't believe how cute the boys are-I sure do miss you guys! I think another trip to Springfield before the holidays is in order...Now that the baby is older, I'll be able to actually have some fun!! Miss you guys and love you! Amie-the other sister from STL!!
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