As a surprise for Duncan , we had Marty the Magician for a magic show! He wowed both the kids and adults with his awesome magic tricks and sense of humor. Duncan got to be a special helper for some of the tricks, and the magic words were always 'Happy Birthday Duncan!" The special guest star of the show was Ricki the Rabbit, a cute white bunny that was in one of the tricks and that all the kids got to pet after t
he show. After the magician, we did the Spiderman 3 pinata, and I learned that it
doesn't take as long to get a pinata to bust open if you use a metal T-ball bat. Four hits and that baby popped right open! Joe grilled up some hotdogs to eat, and the kids played around and we all hung out until cake time. Duncan picked out a Fantastic Four cake. (We went and saw the movie the day before for his b-day. )

After the party, he went swimming for a little while with his friend John. When he got home, he told me that he had a really fun birthday party. And he was tired, he wanted to go to bed.
I remember when I was pregnant with Duncan, they had an idea he was going to be a big baby, so I was scheduled to be induced. I chose July 5, since I had a hair appointment on the 3rd that I didn't want to miss. (I wanted to look good in the hospital!) So I worked the holiday, July 4, and went to Wal-Mart afterward to pick up last minute neccesities. Keep in mind my legs were swollen to the size of an elephants, and my feet were so swollen that I had been wearing Joe's shoes for weeks. When we went to the hospital the morning of July 5, little did I know that it would not be until 8:52 the following evening, that I would be holding my baby. We just hung out that whole day, reading magazines, watching TV, I especially remember they kept showing the Nathan's hot dog eating contest over and over, with that Japanese kid Kobayashi shoving tons of hotdogs down his throat! We have watched it every year since as a tribute to that day! Coworkers snuck me in hard candies, since I wasn't allowed to eat anything but ice chips. I was pretty disappointed it was going to take a whole other day to have a baby, but it wasn't up to me. Judy and David were waiting around on us to go get married, finally we told them just to go ahead and go or else it might not happen! As it turned out, I had Duncan on the 6th, the same day as Judy and David's wedding day (and future anniversary day) and also the same day as David's birthday!
One last note, I knew that Duncan was going to be a large baby. But I was not expecting 10 pounds 5 ounces, with no epidural at that! That is one experience I will never forget.